A new beginning!

Dear Friends and Community,

If you recall, several months ago, a steering committee comprised of current volunteers, community members, RCs, and consultants was formed to help develop a new entity which would take over assets and management of projects and events formerly produced by SOAK, LLC.

We made this decision because both the events and the community they serve have far outgrown the organizational structure that was created more than a decade. After quite a bit of research, planning, and discussion, a new LLC - Precipitation NW - has been formed as a transitionary step toward applying for non-profit status. There was a consensus among the steering committee that this would be the best way to manage the events with participation from the community. Learn more about the new organization and what the steering committee has accomplished so farPrecipitation NW here: http://www.precipitationnw.com/

What's next?

A mission statement has been developed, and the steering committee is now actively seeking participation from [you!] the community for board membership. We encourage you to consider who amongst your fellow community members would be ideal for board membership. The initial board will be comprised of 5-7 individuals with qualities that can be found here: http://www.precipitationnw.com/board

Nominations will remain open for a short period of time. The initial board will be selected by Dec 15th. Nominations for board membership will be accepted in perpetuity as we will always need to identify talented and committed individuals.

Now is the time to take action to form the organization you have always dreamed of. Are you ready? Get set...go!

With love and respect,

Your Precipitation NW Steering Committee


Joint Public Statement to the SOAK Community


How do you find people you don't know exist?